This page is a record of my research activities. I try to update it when I publish or present new work.

My ORCID is 0000-0002-0762-2684.

See my Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles for citation information.

Peer-Reviewed Written Publications

  • Glick, B.H., Sabnis, A., Kempf, R., Goel, A., Lalwani, A., Feng, G., and Ranganath, K. RDARuntime: An OS for AI Accelerators. At Workshop on Runtime and OS for Supercomputers, 2023. International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC '23).

  • Glick, B.H., Smith, B. and Mache, J. A Jupyter Notebook Based Tool for Building Skills in Computational Statistical Mechanics. At Workshop on High Performance Computing and Education, 2019 (EduHPC ’19), International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’19) (Nov. 2019).

  • Glick, B.H. and Mache, J. "LIBRE-ary: An Open-Source, Distributed Digital Archiving System." In Proceedings of the Conference of the Northwest Regional Consortium of Computing Sciences in Colleges. (Oct. 2019)

  • Glick, B.H. and Mache, J. "Towards a Taxonomy of Dependencies and Errors in OpenACC (Poster)." At Conference of the Northwest Regional Consortium of Computing Sciences in Colleges. (Oct. 2019)

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  • Glick, B.H. Mache, J, and others. "Peachy Parallel Assignments" In Proceedings of 32nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (May 2019).

  • Glick, B.H. and Mache, J. "Finding the Electric Potential of a Square Wire" (Peachy Parallel Assignment). In Proceedings of The 9th NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education (EduPar-19) (May 2019)

  • Glick, B. H. and Mache, J. 2018. "Jupyter Notebooks and User-Friendly HPC Access" In Workshop on High Performance Computing and Education, 2018 (EduHPC ’18), at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’18) (Nov. 2018). DOI 10.1109/EduHPC.2018.00005.

  • Glick, B.H. and Mache, J. "An Accessible HPC Ecosystem Powered by Jupyter Notebooks" Student Poster at Conference of the Consortium of the Computing Sciences in Colleges (Oct. 2018) (Won Best Poster)

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  • Glick, B. H. and Mache, J. 2018. "Using jupyter notebooks to learn high-performance computing". J. Comput. Sci. Coll. 34, 1 (October 2018), 180-188. (Oct. 2018)

  • Glick, B.H. and Mache, J. "USING JUPYTER NOTEBOOKS TO LEARN HIGH-PERFORMANCE COMPUTING". In Proceedings of the Conference of the Northwest Regional Consortium of Computing Sciences in Colleges. (Oct. 2018)

  • Glick, B.H. and Mache, J. "An Extensible Ecosystem of Tools Providing User Friendly HPC Access and Supporting Jupyter Notebooks." In Proceedings of The International Conference on Parallel Processing. (Aug. 2018).

  • Glick, B.H., Babuji, Y.N., and Chard, K. 2017. "Scalable Parallel Scripting in the Cloud". In Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC ’17). (Nov. 2017). 2 Pages. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20048.81922

    Resolve the DOI here

Talks and Presentations (not including talks assoiciated with written publications)

  • Guest lecture in 2024 Data Science 140 at Lewis & Clark "Ease and Usefulness of Parallel Matrix Multiplication"

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  • 2024 Lewis & Clark Physics colloquium series: "My time as a self-taught computer architect"

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  • Glick, B. H.. "Parsl as a Gateway for Research Computing at a Liberal Arts College". ParslFest 2020. (7 Oct. 2020)

  • Glick, B. H.. "Topic Modelling for Phylogenetic Analysis". 2020 Lewis & Clark College Festival of Scholars and Artists. (17 Apr. 2020)

  • Smith, B. and Glick, B. H.. "Understanding Thermodynamic Systems through HPC Simulations". Lewis & Clark College Physics Department Colloquium Series, Spring 2020. (9 Mar. 2020)

  • Glick B. H. , Mache, J, and Smith, B. "Parsl and Research Computing Cyberinfrastructure" EduHPC 2019, at SC19 (Nov. 2019)

  • Glick B. H. "A Jupyter Notebook based Tool for Building Skills in Computational Statistical Mechanics" ParslFest 2019. (Oct 2019)

  • Glick B. H. and Mache, J. "Introduction to OpenACC." Guest Lecture in Prof. Karen Karavanic's CS 406/506 Accelerated Computing with GPUs and Intel Phi, Spring 19. (May 2019)

  • Glick B. H. "GitHub Pages" Short Talk at Lewis & Clark College FTI ( Faculty Technology Institute ) 2019. (May 2019)

  • Glick B. H. "Jupyter Notebooks" Short Talk at Lewis & Clark College FTI ( Faculty Technology Institute ) 2019. (May 2019)

  • Glick, B.H. "Applications of Machine Learning to High Performance Computing (Intro to Deep Learning)." At Lewis & Clark College Festival of Scholars and Artists, 2019 (Apr. 2019)

    Link not available online :(

  • Bhatia, R.P.. and Glick B. H. "Poembot: Behind the Scenes." Student Led Workshop hosted by Lewis & Clark College ACM Student Chapter

  • Somers, J. and Glick B. H. "Intro to Biocomputing." Student Led Workshop hosted by Lewis & Clark College ACM Student Chapter

  • Glick, B.H."SC Student Lightning Talk: Accessible High Performace Computing" At SC 2018. (November 2018).

    Link not available :(

  • McWilliams, J. A., Glick, B.H., Abbaspour, P. "High Performance Computing at L&C." In Program of Faculty Technology Institute, 2018 (May 2018).

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  • Glick, B.H. "A Gentle Introduction to High Performance Computing." In Program of the Festival of Scholars and Artists, 2018 (Apr. 2018). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35801.01125

Other Written Publications

  • Glick, B.H. and Mache, J. "Building an Accessible Web-Based Frontend for High-Performance Clusters." In Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Science. (Mar. 2018). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24328.11528


  • Glick, B. H. and Mache, J. "Using Machine Learning to Enable Job-Aware Scheduling". In Proceedings of the Oregon Academy of Sciences (Feb. 2019)

    I know the link is available but I can’t find it right now. Come back later if you want to read the full text.

  • Glick, B.H., Quishenberry, J., and Mache, J. "Creating persistent digital archives with LIBRE-ary" In Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Oregon Academy of Science, held jointly with the meeting of the Sigma-Xi, Columbia-Willamette Chapter, 44. (Feb. 2020)

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  • Glick, B.H. and others, SambaNova Management Layer

  • Glick, B.H. "Identifying and Reducing Background Noise with KERMIT. In PAARAgraphs, September 2023 (forthcoming)


Please come back later this year when I’m allowed to share these :)

Publications About Me, Not By Me

My Erdös Number is 3.

Paul Erdös (0) ->
         [Douglas B. West (1)]
             -> David P. Bunde (2)
                 -> Ben Glick (3)

For a description of Erdös Numbers, click here.